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Tampilkan postingan dengan label Pribadi. Tampilkan semua postingan
Kamis, 08 November 2012
I am tired of these tasks, what should be done so as not to stress .. what if like the picture above ..
Tipas bersi layar LCD
Ada banyak sekali tips – tips diluar sana cara membersihkan layar LCD laptop dengan baik dan benar, dan kali ini saya ingin berbagi tips tentang bagaimana cara membersihkan layar laptop kepada anda yang cukup mudah dan simple untuk anda praktekan sendiri dirumah.
1. Membersihkan layar LCD laptop dengan bahan – bahan yang mengandung alkohol, amonia atau pelarut lainnya tidak direkomendasikan oleh produsen. Kamu harus memahami LCD laptop itu bukan kaca, jadi yang harus kamu gunakan untuk membersihkan adalah dengan kain lembut kering.
2. Ketika kamu ingin membersihkan dengan suatu cairan, cobalah menggunakan air suling atau campuran 50/50 cuka putih dan air suling. Jangan pernah mencoba menggnunakan air keran/PDAM, air sumur, dan sejenisnya karena air tersebut mengandung mineral yang dapat merusak layar LCD laptop atau dapat meninggalkan bekas/cacat permanen pada layar.
3. Jangan mencoba menyemprotkan air langsung pada layar LCD laptop. Ini dapat menyebabkan kerusakan permanen pada layar LCD laptop. Seharusnya basahi terlebih dahulu air pada kain baru dilap/dibersihkan.
4. Disarankan untuk menggunakan kain microfiber. Kamu dapat mencoba kapar murni serti T-shirt, kain microfiber bebas serat, kain sekali pakai (tersedia di apotek) atau kain lembut lain yang serupa. Tisu lensa yang kamu gunakan untuk membersihkan kamera kamu juga dapat digunakan untuk membersihkan layar LCD laptop atau kain untuk membersihkan lensa kacamata juga bisa.
Senin, 22 Oktober 2012
songs from NAIF.
for friends who like the song Indonesia, one of which "NAIF", which is a Indonesian legend band, you guys enough just to address this link to get some chord songs from NAIF.
love the song Indonesia Link now.
love the song Indonesia Link now.
Indonesian legend band God Bless
for friends who like the song Indonesia, one of whom "God Bless", which is a Indonesian legend band, you guys have quite a Link to this address to get a few chords of the song God Bless.
http://www.chordfrenzy.com/artist/God Bless
love the song Indonesia Link now.
http://www.chordfrenzy.com/artist/God Bless
love the song Indonesia Link now.
Indonesian legend band Gigi
for friends who like the song Indonesia, one of which "Gigi", which is a Indonesian legend band, you guys enough just to address this link to get some chord songs from Gigi.
love the song Indonesia Link now.
love the song Indonesia Link now.
Indonesian legend band , SLANK !!!!
for friends who like the song Indonesia, one of which "Slank", which is an Indonesian legend band, you guys enough just to address this link to get some chord songs from SLANK
love the song Indonesia Link now.
love the song Indonesia Link now.
Indonesian legend musician
for friends who like the song Indonesia, one of which "EBIT G. ADE", which is an Indonesian legend musician, you have quite a Link to this address to get some chord songs from EBIT G. Ade
http://www.chordfrenzy.com/artist/Ebiet G. Ade
love the song Indonesia Link now.
http://www.chordfrenzy.com/artist/Ebiet G. Ade
love the song Indonesia Link now.
for friends who like the song Indonesia, one of which "UTOPIA band", you have quite a Link to this address to get some chord songs from the band UTOPIA
love the song Indonesia Link now.
love the song Indonesia Link now.
chord songs from ADA BAND
for friends who like the song Indonesia, one of which " ADA BAND", you have quite a Link to this address to get some chord songs from ADA BAND
http://www.chordfrenzy.com/artist/Ada Band
love the song Indonesia Link now.
http://www.chordfrenzy.com/artist/Ada Band
love the song Indonesia Link now.
band Dewa 19
for friends who like the song Indonesia, one of which "band Dewa 19", you have quite a Link to this address to get some chord songs from DEWA BAND 19.
http://www.chordfrenzy.com/artist/Dewa 19
love the song Indonesia
http://www.chordfrenzy.com/artist/Dewa 19
love the song Indonesia
band Peterpan with the title song "Menghapus jejakmu"
for friends who like the song Indonesia, one of which band Peterpan with the title song "Menghapus jejakmu" and now the band Peterpan has been renamed BAND NOAH, you pretty link it to the address
love the song Indonesia
love the song Indonesia
Kamis, 18 Oktober 2012
the song is one of my favorite songs.;
the song is one of my favorite songs, for friends who like songs from "Sheila on 7" titled "how appropriate", you link it to this address'. song for mother dearest '.
Indonesian song.
Indonesian song.
song for mother
for friends who like the song from the "POTRET" entitled "BUNDA", you link it to this address'. song for mother dearest '.
Indonesian song
Indonesian song
Ungu band"sayang'.
for friends who like the song from the "Ungu band" entitled "sayang ", you link it to this address'.
Indonesian song' OK
Indonesian song' OK
stingky song'.
for friends who like stinky song entitled "Mungkinkah".
friends try it Link to this address'.
This song might remind your parents about his youth
'sign of peace'.
Indonesian song
friends try it Link to this address'.
This song might remind your parents about his youth
'sign of peace'.
Indonesian song
Indonesian song'. Last child'.
for friends who love songs from Last child's 'seluruh nafas ini'. you try it Link to this almat, OK friend '.
'sign of peace'.
Indonesian song
'sign of peace'.
Indonesian song
Minggu, 14 Oktober 2012
favorite song..????
this song is the song that always makes me happy every heard ..
for friends who want to see the lyrics and chord song Link only to this address
for friends who want to see the lyrics and chord song Link only to this address
for those of you who love this song just link this address
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