Kamis, 04 Oktober 2012

Civil Society??

Definition of Civil Society
This is one of the materials that I can learn a PKN in smk 1 Pinrang

Civil society is translated into the Indonesian language as the "Masyarakat sipil or Masyarakat Madani. The word comes from the society of Medina, a city where the Prophet Muhammad migrated. Medina comes from the word "Madaniyah" meaning of civilization. Therefore, civil society means
a civilized society.
Civil society is a civil society (civil society) are independent and democratic, civil society born of the seeding process of democracy, their relationship is like a fish to water, this chapter discusses civil society commonly known dengna term civil society (civil society), understanding , characteristics, history by thought, character and discourse of civil society in the West and in Indonesia and the elements in it
Below are some definitions of civil society:1. According to Big Indonesian Dictionary, civil society is a society that upholds the norms, values, and laws are supported by a civilized mastery of technology, faith and science.

2. According Syamsudin Haris, civil society is a sphere of social interaction beyond pengaaruh country and model, composed of the most familiar environments such as the family, voluntary associations, social movements and other forms of communication among the citizens.

3. According Nurcholis Madjid, civil society is a society that refers to the Islamic community ever built the Prophet Muhammad in Medina, a city or a society civilized society characterized by, among others: egaliteran (equality), valuing achievement, openness, tolerance and deliberation.

4. According to Ernest Gellner, Civil Society (CS) or Society (MM) refers to the society consisting of various non-government institutions are autonomous and strong enough to be able to compensate the State.

5. According to Cohen and Arato, CS or MM is an area of ​​social interaction between the economic, political and state in which includes all social groups who work together to build social ties outside the official institutions, human solidarity, and the pursuit of the common good (public good ).

6. According to Muhammad AS Hikam, CS or MM are areas of social life organized and characterized by, among others voluntarism (voluntary), keswasembadaan (self-generating), self-reliance (self-supporing), and the independence of the high country dealing with, and attachment to the norms and values ​​are followed by legal citizens.7. According to M. Ryaas Rashid, CS or MM is an idea conceived independent community as productive networks of social groups are independent, associations, and institutions that face each other with the state.

8. According to our group, CS or MM is a social concept of an independent and independent supporting elements which have the ability (capability) to formulate and take an active role in carrying out a common purpose outside the context of the affairs of the state standard.

  sorry if there are errors in the writing of this meaning

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