Sabtu, 06 Oktober 2012

Islamic religious'??

This is one of the Islamic religious lessons that I learned in school smkn1 Pinrang, I apologize in advance if there are words that are wrong in this writing
Bathing Procedures in the body of Islamic religious

1. Tools and materials used

tools & materials

The tools are used for bathing the corpse is as follows:

- Cotton
- Two pieces of gloves for bathing officer
- An abrasive sponge
- Tool muller to grind and smooth the mothballs - Spon-plastic sponge
- Shampoo
- Sidrin (lote leaves)
- Mothballs
- Mask masks for officers
- Scissors to cut clothing body before bath
- Water
- Repellent odor and fragrance

> Leaves Sidr (Bidara)

2. Closing the deceased aurat

close the genitals deceased

It is advisable to close the deceased genitalia when bathing. And take off his clothes, and covered from the view of many. Because the deceased may be in a state that does not deserve to be seen. Should the board bathhouse slightly tilted toward his feet so that water and nothing comes out of his body easily flow from it.

3. The procedure for bathing the corpse

bathe the deceased

An official start to soften the joints of the body. When the corpse nails long, then dipotongi. Similarly, her armpits. As for pubic hair, then do not approach it, because it is a large genitalia. Then the clerk looked up the corpse until nearly sitting position. Then gently massage her belly to remove the dirt that was in his stomach. Let augment water spray to clean the dirt out.

clean the deceased

The officer let wear bathing the corpse in cloth folds her hands or gloves to clean up the bodies of the deceased (to clean the deceased qubul and rectum) without having to see or touch the private parts directly, if the deceased was seven years old and above.

4. Mewudhukan corpse

Furthermore, officers intend (in the liver) for bathing the corpse and read basmalah. Then the officer his ablution-i bodies such as ablution for prayer. But not to put water into the nose and mouth of the deceased, but simply inserting a finger that has been wrapped with a cloth soaked in between the lips of the deceased and his teeth and his nostrils until clean.

Furthermore, it is recommended to wash hair and beard with lote leaves lemon foam or foam soap. And the rest of the juice of the leaves is used to wash lote entire body of the deceased.

5. Body wash body

deceased body wash

After that wash right limb the deceased. Starting from the right side of his neck, then his right hand and his right shoulder, then her cleavage on the right, then on the right side of his body, then the thighs, calves and soles of the feet on the right.

start that right

Furthermore officer flipped his side to slant to the left, and then washed back on the right hemisphere. Later in the same way workers washed the corpse limb left, then reverse it to slant to the right and back wash the left hemisphere. And every time the deceased stomach wash dirt out of it, let cleaned.

The number of bathing: When it is clean, then it is obligatory to bathe only once and mustahab (preferably / Sunnah) three times. As if it can not clean, then added more water or to bathe seven times (or more if needed). And preferred to add camphor in the last bath, because it can perfume the corpse and menyejukkannya. Therefore, the addition of camphor at the last bath that smells disappear.

It is recommended that water used to bathe the deceased are cool water, unless the officer takes a hot bath to remove impurities that are still attached to the body of the deceased. Also allowed to use soap to remove dirt. But do not scrape or rub the body of the deceased with a bang. Also allowed the deceased to clean teeth with miswak or toothbrush. Also recommended the deceased combing your hair, because hair will fall and fall.

After completion of this body wash, wipe officer (menghandukinya) with a cloth or a similar one. Then cut off his mustache and nails if long, and pulled her armpits (if all that was not done before bathing) and put all the cut with her in the shroud. Then, when the bodies are women, the hair of his head twisted (spun) into three strands then placed in the back (back).


- If still out impurities (such as feces, urine or blood) after washed seven times, let closes cock (where the poop comes out of it) with cotton, then wash again affected members unclean, then the deceased diwudhukan back. Whereas if once shrouded still out as well, not to be repeated bathing him, because it would be very inconvenient.

- If the deceased died in a state of ihram cloth to wear in order to perform Hajj or Umrah, then let bathed with water plus feeling lote leaves as described above. But it was laced with fragrances and do not need to shut down his head (for the body of a man). Based on the words of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi yours respectfully about someone who died in a state berihram during Hajj.

- People who were martyred in the battlefield do not need to be bathed, but ought to be buried with the clothes on their bodies. Similarly, they do not need dishalatkan.

- The fetus is killed, when it reaches the age of 4 months in the womb, the body ought to be bathed, dishalatkan and named for him. As before, he is just a piece of meat that may be buried on the go without having to be bathed and dishalatkan.

- If there is an obstacle to memamdikan body, ie no water or the condition of the bodies that have been torn or burnt, it suffices ditayamumkan only. That one in the audience tapped the ground with both hands and wiped it on the face and the back of both hands the deceased.

- Let the officer bathing the corpse cover anything that is not good to be seen on the bodies of the deceased, such darkness that appears on the face of the deceased, or defects contained in the body of the deceased, etc..

Sorry if there is a wrong word meanings ...

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