Minggu, 14 Oktober 2012

about entrepreneurship,,,??!!

entrepreneurial lesson I learned in school
An entrepreneur with a good business idea does not necessarily guarantee the success of a business. To start a business is certainly not free from the problem of planning. Business idea that there should be developed in the form of a business plan despite efforts to be opened very simple.
In the minds of employers, although these plans are not written, would have been no answers to questions relating to the business, for example, attempt to be opened, why choose

such business, where it is located, who the customers and so on. So basically the plan is a very important factor in starting a business. The benefits of the planning process is as follows:
1. Facilitate the creation of a work program2. Facilitate implementation of working3. The implementation will be more efficient and effective4. As a reference in making decisionsFor that a business plan should be written and authorized in order to be used as a reference for conducting business, become more focused.Business plan set forth in writing and officially called the proposal effort known as the Business Plan / business plan. Business proposal or business plan is a document that expressed confidence in the ability of a business to sell goods or services so as to attract outsiders to cooperate.In the business proposal, employers stated purpose, vision, mission of the business to be run. Preparation of business proposals can be used as a communication medium to describe the profile of business or business to be developed. Therefore every effort should be didiskripsikan aspect clearly that include:
1. Set the type of business that will be developed2. Operational production3. Marketing products4. Human resources5. Organization and management6. Capital / financial7. Research and development8. Risks faced9. Juridical10. EIA (Environmental Impact Assessment)
Basically the business proposal consist of goals and strategies. Target is everything you want to achieve entrepreneurs, whereas strategy is a course of action to achieve business objectives.

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