Kamis, 04 Oktober 2012

characteristics of civil society.'

This is one of the materials that I can learn a PKN in smk 1 Pinrang
Characteristics of Civil Society

The characteristics of civil society based on the above definition are:

a. Uphold the values, norms, and laws are sustained by faith and technology.
b. Having a high civilization (civilized).
c. Promoting equality and transparency (openness).
d. Free public sphere (public space that is free)
Public spaces are defined as areas where people as citizens have full access
to any public activity, citizens are entitled to freedom in the conduct of expression, association, assembly and publishing of opinion, association, assembly, and publish information to the public.

e. Democratization
According to Neera Candoke, social communities related to the discourse of rational criticism ekspisit society that requires the growth of democracy., Within the framework of a democratic state is only able to guarantee the civil society. Democratization can be realized through the enforcement of the pillars of democracy, which include:
1) Non-governmental organizations (NGOs)
2) A free press
3) Rule of law
4) Higher Education
5) Political Party
f. Tolerance
Tolerance is the willingness of individuals to accept political views and social attitudes are different. Tolerance is an attitude that developed in the civil society to show mutual respect and respect for the opinions and activities undertaken by people or other groups are different.

g. Pluralism
Pluralism is an attitude to acknowledge and accept with sincere attitude that society is plural. Pluralism that is positive and a blessing of god.

h. Social Justice (Social justice)
Justice in question is the balance and proportional division between the right and duty of every citizen and the state covering all aspects of life.

i. Social participation
Social participation are completely clean of engineering is a good start for the creation of civil society. Net social participation can occur if the available climate memunkinkan individual autonomy awake.

j. Supremacy of law
Respect for the supremacy of law is the guarantee of the creation of justice, justice must be positioned in neutral, meaning that there are no exceptions to obtain the truth above the law.

sorry if there are spelling and meaning is wrong.

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