Minggu, 14 Oktober 2012

Systematics of Business Proposal.,??

Systematics of Business ProposalTo make a good business proposal there are several steps that must be followed, namely:
a. Knowing the important factors in the process of drafting a business proposalb. Prepare everything needed to make a business proposalc. Knowing and preparing supporting factorsd. Knowing the business proposal preparation instructions
The first step is to figure out a few things that are important factors

that must be considered to develop a good business proposal and professional. This is the basis for an employer to carry out the following three steps. Important factors are as follows:
a. Realistic goals.Business objectives to be achieved should be adjusted to the ability of the fund to be more specific so clearly measurable ketercapaiannya. Besides, there must be equality and unity between time and parameters.
b. Flexibility.The proposal of business to be developed should be able to adjust to any actual development effort. Existing flexibility allows employers to create or formulate alternative strategies for dealing with business development.
c. Time limit.Any goals set and arranged in a proposal effort should be made to continuously and sustainably. This means that some of the goals set have links that relate to and support the achievement of further goals. And any progress a time limit. There is a time in every evaluation progress.
d. Commitment.To start a business, entrepreneurs will not be able to walk on his own without the support of all parties involved be it family, business partners, employees and other parties as necessary. All parties involved should support and commit together to run the business.
The second step is to prepare everything necessary to make a business proposal. The second step is more talk about the skills that must be owned by the entrepreneur in starting a business. There are 5 (five) are required.
Entrepreneurs in preparing a business proposal, namely:1. Having knowledge in the field of technology, creativity, initiative and innovative2. Having the ability to make financial projections3. Having the ability in the areas of marketing, production and human resources4. Having the ability in the field of business management5. Having a clear vision and mission and focus
The next third step is to know and prepare other supporting factors. There are two factors that are supporting the efforts of the contents of the proposal are:
1. Competition Situation Analysis.Employers need a variety of sources that will be used to monitor the potential competitors. This is important because it can affect the marketing strategies that will be used. Also related to the purpose of its business prospects. Knowledge of analysis of the competitive situation is also used to estimate how big the strengths and weaknesses of existing products on the market and measure the competitiveness of its products compared to other products.
2. Policy In Setting Rates.Product pricing is done should really correct that the price of these products can successfully penetrate the market and generate maximum profits. For a set price must also consider the prices that are on the market.The fourth step is the entrepreneur must know the business proposal preparation instructions. Set the desired type of business and profitable is not an easy job. To set it, an entrepreneur has to work hard to get the relevant information. This information can be obtained from, among others:
1. Personal contacts,- Employers- Professional

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