Senin, 19 November 2012

Measuring Quality of Charity

Can not be judged a bit, charity arising from an ascetic, and also assessed large or many charities comes from the soul the worldly ambitions.
Goodness charity (lahiriyah) was the result of the goodness ahwal (bathiniyah charity), while the goodness ahwal it embodies the essence of grace ma'rifat stage.
Quality amaliyah to God Almighty, is not measured by the number, quantity, weight and severity of worship itself, but measured by the sincerity soul. And sincerity will only appear from

the ascetic life, a heart that is not filled with desire but only to God. Because of that - though small, slight, and perhaps trivial - if amaliah comes from the ascetic spirit, great value and lots of it.
Conversely, if amaliyah, quantity, even by thousands of people, but asceticism is not embedded in the soul, as much as anything amaliyah it, still considered small.For the Zahid, amaliyah is something that comes from the soul empty of ego interests, passions and worldly. For the Zahid, everything in the world was meaningless, and that is the origin for the kekohohannya cling to God Almighty. Since it was mentioned by Ibn Mas'ud ra, "Two of a pious rekaat that Zahid was more loved by God than worship worshiper but full of worldly ambition forever."
Shaykh Abul Hasan ash-Syadzily said, "I dreamed of Abu Bakr as-Siddiq, he said," Do you know what the world exit signs from the heart? "I replied, "No!". He said, "give it when there, and a sense of light when it does not exist."
For people who are ascetic, there are three things that are useful when practicing:First, an empty heart from worldly ambition, nor enlivened by the bustle of the world.Second, she is a witness and the love of God, because God is love.Third, as evidence of ma'rifatnya to God and have a strong commitment to God, because he had left there for the worship, and leave everything smelling su'udzon to God.Therefore, proceed with wisdom Ibn Athaillah:
Goodness charity (lahiriyah) was the result of the goodness ahwal (bathiniyah charity), while the goodness ahwal it embodies the essence of grace ma'rifat stage.
Charity is the physical movement of the body or body through Mujahadah. While ahwal is as if the soul with spiritual movement, while al-maqomat question is ketentreaman heart through thuma'ninah. Matters, it was originally ascetic exercise to curb the movement of worldly desires, then care should be patient and careful taste the sweetness of obedience to God.
Maqom usually associated with science while Haal (spiritual condition) associated with the charitable spirit. Originally from science, then bermaujud soul in action, and be Haal, then independently as maqom.
So body gestures that show the inner movements. As word of the Prophet, "Verily in the body there is a blood clot, if it is good, then okay sleuruh body, and if it is broken, the whole body as well."
That is when the liver is damaged, the body will be dragged on the action that leads to the destruction of life. "If the heart humility ', the whole body one also humility," as the words of the Apostle of Allah.
Maqomatul Inzaal, which means that the object of the decline in the soul and lainhya ma'rifatullah, providing evidence that anyone ma'rifatnya more perfect then ahwal also more perfect soul, and who ahwal truer soul, then amaliyahnya more perfect.Abu Hamid al-Ghazaly asserts, "should any maqom it consists of knowledge, charity and Haal. Science childbirth charity and charitable giving birth Haal, because body motion that follow the movements of the soul, and the soul is flowing in motion body movement. "
--- (Ooo) ---

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