Selasa, 13 November 2012

How Make Artificial Rain?

On September 15 the team for the Assessment and Application of Technology Agency BPPT and the National Disaster Management BNPB will conduct cloud seeding activities.Artificial rain made to extinguish forest fires in Central Kalimantan, West Kalimantan, Riau and South Sumatra. According to Heru Widodo, Head Artificial Rain BPPT, the act of making artificial rain is usually done during the dry season and put out forest fires.

"Clearly because of forest fires. It is usually due to forest fires in the dry season there, just in Kalimantan advantaged regions there are still areas that are Kahtulistiwa

there was rain in the dry season but he too is rich enough rain so that the dry season when hujanya reduced, usually that's where people start taking advantage of opportunities to fuel-burning that should not be, "he added.Artificial Rain in world history began in 1946 by the inventor Vincent Schaefer and Irving Langmuir, followed a year later in 1947 by Bernard Vonnegut.Is actually done by humans are creating chances of rain and "accelerate" the rain. The name is used as an attempt to "make it rain" is a weather modification technology (TMC).

The process of artificial rain, plus Heru actually
follow the natural processes of nature. "Partly it's because of the radiation process continues to evaporate in the atmosphere and there was condensation nuclei and began to bound and moisture conditions are homogeneous. And then we make a great core material grain seedlings over the cloud. Denagn differences occurred penggambungan grow and is unable to resist gravity and fell to the ground and process it just like nature. Seedling material was mainly composed of salt are already dialuskan a size less than one micron. And usually we require 1 ton and transported by Cassa planes that normally could produce 4 to 5 cloud, "said Heru.With artificial rain, according to Heru can help the process extinguishing forest fires, smog and anticipation of the availability of water, such as filling reservoirs, lakes, for the purposes of water supply, irrigation, power generation (hydropower).

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