Senin, 19 November 2012

Benefits of Fasting In Medical

Ta'alaa Allah says: O you who believe, fasting is required to you as well have been obliged to those before you, that you fear Him (Surah Al-Baqarah: 183).Allah says: And if you choose fast it would have been better for you if you know (Surat al-Baqara: 184).Is contemporary science has been able to uncover the secret of the word of God "And when you fast then it is better for you"???

Indeed, contemporary medical science has not revealed the nature mempu fasting, but only stated that fasting is a must for people who desire to do so or not. That's it.
Indeed fasting, after much scientific research and detailed the human organs and physiological activity clearly found that fasting is something that should be done by the human body so that he could continue to perform their activities properly. And fasting is really very important and necessary for the health of humans as humans need to eat, breathe, move, and sleep. So people really need these things. If people can not sleep, eat for long periods of time then it will be sick. Thus, the human body will experience a bad thing if he is not fasting.
In a hadith narrated by Imam Abu Umamah Nasaa'i of Companions: "O Messenger of Allah, command me the deeds that God will give me the benefit

of his practice because it". Then the Prophet said, "Fast, because no one else deeds equivalent to fasting".
And because the importance of fasting for the body is that fasting can help in disposing of the body cells that have been damaged, as well as cells or hormones or substances that exceed the amount needed by the body. And fasting, as promoted by Islam is an average of 14 hours, then just eat for the duration of a few hours.
It is a good method for disposal systems or hotmon cells are damaged and rebuild the body with new cells. And this is very different from what most people understood that fasting causes people to become weak and lethargic. Fasting is good for the body it is a condition that made for one month in a row in one year, and can be added 3 days each month. this corresponds completely with the recommendation Prophet in a hadith: Who would fast three days every month, then it's the same with Dahr fasting (fasting throughout the year).
And the sayings of the Prophet of God also confirmed this with His saying: Anyone who labor with a good deed, God gave him 10 times the practice was.One day God rewarded 10 days, then 3 days rewarded 30 days, and 3 days each month when it became 36 days. And it's worth the 360 ​​days or one year in appreciation of God.
Tom Branch, of Columbia Press said:
I think fasting is a spiritual experience that is extraordinary, larger than a biological experience / body alone. So because of this desire, I started fast with the purpose of clearing myself of the excess weight. However, it turns out I found that fasting is very useful for the clarity of mind. Fasting is very helpful sight so the view becomes obvious. Similarly, very helpful in analyzing new ideas or perceptions. And puasaku activity has not passed a few days, but I found such great psychological effect.
I have fasted several times hinga now. And I usually choose a time between 1 and 6 days. And at first my goal was to eliminate the negative effects of the food I consume, as well as to cleanse my soul of the things that I experienced throughout my life, especially after looking at the world in recent months, and I see a lot kedhaliman and brutality that humans living in it . Indeed, I feel responsible for their situation, so I fasted to eliminate thoughts-thoughts that. "
"I am feeling every time fasting interested in food is completely gone, and I felt my body was very relaxed and comfortable., And I feel myself turning away from fantasies, negative emotions such as envy, jealousy, like girl talk, also lost fear, feeling uncomfortable, and bored. All these feelings go away by itself when I'm fasting., and really I feel with such a memorable experience along with a lot of people when fasting., and maybe all that I say this is because what makes Muslims-as I saw them in Turkey, Syria, and the Quds-with fasting for 1 month full of souls makes them so impressive that I never found in any parts of Duni ".
Prevent From Tumor
Fasting also serves as a "surgeon" that removes damaged cells and weak in the body. Thus, hunger is felt people who are fasting will be able to move the internal organs in the body to destroy or take cells or weak rusah had to cover his hunger. So it is a good time for the body to replace the cells with new cells so they can go back to work and on the move. With it also can eliminate or eat diseased organs and update. And fasting also serves to keep the body from various harmful substances additions, such as excess calcium, excess meat and fat. Can also prevent the occurrence of tumors when the early formation.
Keeping Blood Sugar Levels In
Fasting're so good at lowering blood sugar levels to reach levels balanced. Based on this, it is actually fasting gives the pancreas a chance to rest yangbaik. Thus, the pancreas secrete insulin neutralize any sugar into starch and fat collected in the pancreas. If the food contains excess insulin, the pancreas will be under pressure and weakened. It was not until the pancreas can function. Thus, blood levels will be creeping up and continued to increase until eventually appear diabets disease. And have done a lot of business is the treatment of diabets worldwide by following "fast system" for more than 10 hours and less than 20 hours. Each group gaining influence in accordance with the situation. Then, the patient is eating snacks during the consecutive less than 3 weeks. And these methods have achieved remarkable results in the treatment of diabets and without the use of a single chemical drugs whatsoever.

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