Senin, 19 November 2012

Dates, Between Islam and Science

Dates have value and special position in Islam, and all the virtues of palm human attention focused on two things, and when the more in-depth discussion and research to date, then you will find that the date is indeed feasible to get the position and privilege. And this is the great favors which Allah honored us with him in a series of other favors not counted. Allah says:

وءاتاكم من كل ما سألتموه وإن تعدوا نعمة الله لا تحصوها إن الإنسان لظلوم كفار (إبراهيم: 34)And we give you all what you asked for, and if you count the favors of Allah you can not register one must have that man is really dhalim and very dissenter (Surah Ibrahim: 34)Allah also says:ينبت لكم به الرزع والزيتون والنخيل والأعنب ومن كل الثمرت, إن في ذلك لأية لقوم يتفكرون (النحل: 11)And grown for you on this earth plants, olives, dates, grapes, and all fruits. Verily really be signs for a people who we would think (Surat an-Nahl: 11).Based on the research that has been done to date, confirmed that the dates contain a number of elements essential for the body, but most people do not know about it, except for a little bit. Based on the configuration that comes from knowledge, insight can be achieved

in the time kiwari, I was stunned and shocked when I read the hadith the Prophet sal-Allaahu alaihi wasalam about the secrets of the palm, where the Prophet sal-Allaahu alaihi wasalam said:

إذا أفطر أحدكم فليفطر على تمر فإنه بركة فإن لم يجد تمرا فالماء فإنه طهور (رواه الترمذي)If one of you want to break their fast, then Break your fast with dates because he is a blessing, if there is no date then the water because he was clean nd sacred. (Narrated by Tirmidhi)This is the greatness of the prophethood of Muhammad sal-Allaahu alaihi wasalam. Numerous scientific studies have established the truth of the above. When the end of the phase-dipenghujung absorption of nutrients will vibrate state-fasting glucose and insulin in the blood that comes into the heart valves. And this process will minimize the use of glucose and take it through the liver and other cells such as the tip of the muscles, nerve cells, and into something that could eliminate any of the substances contained gelokogen heart. At such organs rely to obtain energy from CO2 (carbon dioxide) chemical and glucose oxides are formed in the liver from amino acids and gelesrol. Therefore memulurnya (longitudinal flex) absorbent organ glucose foods currently have very many benefits. Thus, the rapid increase in glucose content in the valves of veins in the liver directly be absorbed, and then into the liver first, then to the brain cells, blood, digestive organs, muscles and tissues throughout the body that God move more organs to move back through the food. It's best to make the sugars as food best, most easily absorbed by the body, and stop the oxidation of carbon chemistry, cut harmful substances in the body, eliminating the weak state in general and the small kegemetaran the digestive organs. Indeed, the chemical oxidation of large amounts of fat, as well as cessation of entry of glucose through the activity of manufacture of glucose in the liver, it will stop the destruction of amino acids and proteins in the body so awake.Why Dates?Dates are the foods rich in glucose. Therefore, the dates are the best food, because it contains high sugar between 75-87% and in the form of 55% glucose, fructose (fraktosa) 45% higher than the amount of protein, oil and some vitamins which are most important are vitamin A, B-2, B-12, and a number of important substances such as calcium, phosphorus, potassium, sulfur, sodium, magnesium, cobalt, zinc (zinc), fluorine, nuhas (copper), Salyolosa, and other useful substances for the body. Fructose is converted into glucose quickly and readily absorbed by the digestive organs and sent all over the body, especially the central ogran organs, like the brain, nerves, red blood cells, and bone cells cleaners.Fraktosa with Salyolosa substance will effect to generate twisting movements on the abdominal organs. Phosphorous is essential for important food for the spaces in the brain and in the arrangement of phosphate and is capable of converting the energy and direct use in all body cells.All the vitamins contained by palm also has an effective influence of dietary nutrients (vitamins A, B-1, B-2), Biotin, repuflatin, and others. It also has a positive effect on the central nervous. Other ingredients of the palm also has an influence that is so important for the formation of an enzyme vital part in the work of the respiratory organs, vital role in muscle stretch and wrinkle (flexible and pliable), balancing acidity. Substance magnesium in dates also can inhibit aging.Conversely, if someone starts breaking fast with high protein foods or greasy, it is difficult to digest, but after a long time memalui from crushed until absorbed by the body. And it can not meet the body's need for energy is ready to use quickly, especially in order to improve the content of amino acids in the body as a result of food that does not contain sugar so finally deficiency of sugar in the blood.Vitamins and other problems, we see that dates contain fiber, and this is a very good agent in improving the movement of the abdominal organs, and can keep from stomach cramps could eventually complicate the digestive organs and complications in organs around the stomach.Dates raw or ruthab (dates mengkel, half-ripe on the tree) contains hormones bitosin. It is a hormone that is specific to the work of peristalsis in the blood and uterine tissue. With this, it can help prevent the occurrence of bleeding in the uterus. Therefore, we find about it in a letter Maryam. Allah says:

وهزي إليك بجذع النخلة تساقط عليك رطبا جنيا, فكلي واشربي عينا (مريم: 25 - 26)

And rog it was the palm trees, it will fall to you ruthab; eat and drink and have warned you (Surah Maryam: 25-26)(Note: rog [Java language] is the activity of someone who wants to take something from the tree by holding tree with both hands, then pushing and pulling trees that swayed and fell down something that is above the tree-pent).With this reason, we can understand that the date could be the food once the drug. However, the best is to eat dates with the intention of Sunnah Prophet sal-Allaahu alaihi wasalam, then you will get food, medicine, and the reward from Allah Almighty Subhannahu. Plus do not forget to praise God for this favor. (ABM)By Mahmoud Islamil Syall / Muraja'ah: Dr. Sa'id Syalbi Advisory Organ Stomach and Liver Problems

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