Selasa, 13 November 2012

From Open Dumping to Controlled Landfill and Sanitary Landfill

    All areas must be getting ready to close landfill (landfill) waste open system (open dumping) in 2013 as mandated by the legislation of waste. There is no alternative but to improve the management system.

The best option is to build a landfill sanitary landfill. But if local governments are not able to build the landfill sanitary landfill, landfill

controlled system could be an option. Only, the system is temporary
until the sanitary landfill system can be realized.

Where differences in these systems? In an open system (open dumping), garbage dumped in a landfill without any treatment. There is no closing ground. No wonder if the

system is considered to be very disturbing environment.

The system is controlled landfills increased from open dumping. To reduce the potential for environmental nuisance caused, garbage piled with layers of soil every seven days. In operation, to improve the efficiency of land use and the stability of the landfill surface, then do also leveling and compacting trash.

In Indonesia, the method of controlled landfills is recommended for application in medium and small cities. In order to implement this method, required the provision of some facilities, including:

     Drainage channel to control the flow of rain water.
     Collecting ducts leachate (leachate) and the installation process.
     Post operational control.
     Facility control methane
     heavy equipment

While the system is a means pengurugan sanitary landfill waste into the environment is prepared and operated systematically. There is a process for distributing and compacting garbage in garbage area pengurugan and closing every day. Closure of waste cells with ground cover is also done every day.

This method is the standard method used internationally. To minimize the potential for interference arises, then the closure of waste is done every day. However, it is necessary to implement the provision of infrastructure and facilities were quite expensive.

In Indonesia, sanitary landfilled method is recommended to be applied in large metropolitan areas. In order to implement this method required the provision of some facilities, like the facilities in the system controlled landfills. Of course with the needs and specifications of different amounts.
For more details, you can open the menu PPSP on this site and then open the sub menu Referral and SSK. Then please download the User Reference option Sanitation Systems and Technologies. MJ..

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