Senin, 29 Oktober 2012

easy to Install Windows Vista "Home Premium"

easy to Install
Windows Vista "Home Premium"

Want to know how to link to this address

Create a Free Website Tutorial..

Create a Free Website Tutorial ..
Creating a Free Website

Link to this address ...

Creating a Movable Type Blog

Creating a Movable Type Blog
What is a Blog and Movable Type?

Link to this address

learn basic photoshop

Just want to learn photoshop Link to this address 


5 State of the World's Fastest Internet Connection

The internet connection has become a necessity of life that is important, both to learn and to work. Internet is considered important because it is used to find a job, start a small business, to access online

The low speed internet in ASIA

According to a report from Akamai, the average speed of the Internet in Indonesia is low, when compared with other countries in the Asia Pacific region.

Average Internet speeds in the 2nd quarter of 2012 is only 0.8 megabits per second, equivalent to 100 Kilobytes per second.

However, the speed of the Internet in Indonesia in the quarter increased 7.2 percent from last quarter and up 20 percent from last year.

 Owner highest Internet speeds in the Asia-Pacific region is South Korea. In the land of K-Pop is, the average user to use the Internet with a speed of 14.2 megabits per second, corresponding to 1817 Kilobytes per second.

Indonesia neighboring countries such as Singapore and Malaysia, to rank better Internet speed problem. Average users in Singapore

5 Category Computer Support Windows 8

 5 Category Computer Support Windows 8
        Windows 8 operating system was officially released by Microsoft on October 26, 2012. Computer manufacturer was greeted by producing a variety of computing devices. In fact, there is a new category of computers produced by the manufacturer.In addition to navigate through the keyboard, touch board, and mouse, the computer

Senin, 22 Oktober 2012

songs from NAIF.

for friends who like the song Indonesia, one of which "NAIF", which is a Indonesian legend band, you guys enough just to address this link to get some chord songs from NAIF.

love the song Indonesia Link now.

Indonesian legend band God Bless

for friends who like the song Indonesia, one of whom "God Bless", which is a Indonesian legend band, you guys have quite a Link to this address to get a few chords of the song God Bless. Bless

love the song Indonesia Link now.

Indonesian legend band Gigi

for friends who like the song Indonesia, one of which "Gigi", which is a Indonesian legend band, you guys enough just to address this link to get some chord songs from Gigi.

love the song Indonesia Link now.

Indonesian legend band , SLANK !!!!

for friends who like the song Indonesia, one of which "Slank", which is an Indonesian legend band, you guys enough just to address this link to get some chord songs from SLANK

love the song Indonesia Link now.

Indonesian legend musician

for friends who like the song Indonesia, one of which "EBIT G. ADE", which is an Indonesian legend musician, you have quite a Link to this address to get some chord songs from EBIT G. Ade G. Ade

love the song Indonesia Link now.


for friends who like the song Indonesia, one of which "UTOPIA band", you have quite a Link to this address to get some chord songs from the band UTOPIA

love the song Indonesia Link now.

chord songs from ADA BAND

for friends who like the song Indonesia, one of which " ADA BAND", you have quite a Link to this address to get some chord songs from ADA BAND Band

love the song Indonesia Link now.

band Dewa 19

for friends who like the song Indonesia, one of which "band Dewa 19", you have quite a Link to this address to get some chord songs from DEWA BAND 19. 19

love the song Indonesia

band Peterpan with the title song "Menghapus jejakmu"

for friends who like the song Indonesia, one of which band Peterpan with the title song "Menghapus jejakmu" and now the band Peterpan has been renamed BAND NOAH, you pretty link it to the address

love the song Indonesia

Kamis, 18 Oktober 2012

entrepreneurial types??

entrepreneurial types??
1. Independent entrepreneurs:
Individuals who do all the work and take all the profits. These include the family store, dealer, repair specialists, accountants, to a physicist and lawyer. It can be a full time job because no one else is involved.

2. Opportunistic entrepreneurs
Those who start businesses and expand as fast as possible

Share it in entrepreneurship

Share it in entrepreneurship
  The following are some of the advantages to be gained for those who are self-employed, among others:

Work is not under the orders of others
Work in accordance with the personal rhythm
Gain personal satisfaction when you get success, benefits and recognition
May have the financial freedom and personal control of your

the song is one of my favorite songs.;

the song is one of my favorite songs, for friends who like songs from "Sheila on 7" titled "how appropriate", you link it to this address'. song for mother dearest '.

Indonesian song.

song for mother

for friends who like the song from the "POTRET" entitled "BUNDA", you link it to this address'. song for mother dearest '.

Indonesian song

Ungu band"sayang'.

for friends who like the song from the "Ungu band" entitled "sayang ", you link it to this address'.

Indonesian song' OK

want to be entrepreneurs.

The business is an activity carried out by individuals or groups for the purpose of earning a profit. An attempt to produce and purchase goods or services to customers diju-al. There are two currents associated with the business, such as: 

1. Flow of goods: is the distribution of goods or services to the market2. Flow of money: are payments for things such as purchasing goods, raw materials, cost of repairs, maintenance, and lease.
Because the purpose of business is profit, then the flow of money coming into the business

stingky song'.

for friends who like stinky song entitled "Mungkinkah".
friends try it Link to this address'.

This song might remind your parents about his youth

'sign of peace'.
Indonesian song

Indonesian song'. Last child'.

for friends who love songs from Last child's 'seluruh nafas ini'. you try it Link to this almat, OK friend '.

'sign of peace'.

Indonesian song

Minggu, 14 Oktober 2012

favorite song..????

this song is the song that always makes me happy every heard ..
for friends who want to see the lyrics and chord song Link only to this address



for those of you who love this song just link this address


Draft Proposal for business.???

Draft Proposal for business.
Basically there are no standard rules in drafting a business proposal. But in general the draft business proposal shall contain the following:
a. Front Page.On the front page of the company name and address and the name of the person responsible.
b. Table of Contents.Load the entire contents of the draft detailed proposal complete with page numbers.
c. Executive Summary.Loading the contents of the entire proposal

Systematics of Business Proposal.,??

Systematics of Business ProposalTo make a good business proposal there are several steps that must be followed, namely:
a. Knowing the important factors in the process of drafting a business proposalb. Prepare everything needed to make a business proposalc. Knowing and preparing supporting factorsd. Knowing the business proposal preparation instructions
The first step is to figure out a few things that are important factors

Benefits of Business Proposal.??

Benefits of Business Proposal.
There are several benefits that can be obtained by employers by drafting a business proposal, namely:

a. As a communication tool in describing the business as a whole will be opened to other parties.

b. As a means of comparison between the actual performance of the business expected.

c. Help employers understand the economic factors of competition and financial analysis, allowing you to     carefully make assumptions about how much of a chance to succeed.

d. To develop and test strategies and the results expected from

Importance of Business Proposal ??!!

some of the lessons about the business proposal that I learned in school smk 1 Pinrang.
Importance of Business Proposal
In the course of business proposal employers adjust to the objectives to be achieved. The proposal must be able to describe all aspects relating to the business which will be opened so that it can attract funding or other resources that will be invited to cooperate.In this case the development of a business can be used as a medium of communication

relaxing music..??

for those of you lovers of song steven and Coconut Links only directly
to address this, there are song lyrics and guitar chord.:

greeting of peace from our youth Pinrang

about entrepreneurship,,,??!!

entrepreneurial lesson I learned in school
An entrepreneur with a good business idea does not necessarily guarantee the success of a business. To start a business is certainly not free from the problem of planning. Business idea that there should be developed in the form of a business plan despite efforts to be opened very simple.
In the minds of employers, although these plans are not written, would have been no answers to questions relating to the business, for example, attempt to be opened, why choose

Selasa, 09 Oktober 2012


for fellow friends real madrid fan if do not want to miss the news

please link to this address.

please try

my favorites'.

my favorites

This is one song that I often play alone sometimes when I play the guitar .. This song is perfect in its own time again sing, if some friends there who want to try to play this song with guitar.

Link it here ..

Government System.???

This is one of the subjects related to PKN lessons that I learned in schoolGovernment SystemMeans a whole system which consists of several parts that have a functional relationship.Government in the broad sense is the government / state institutions are doing everything good government as the executive, legislative and judiciary.
  1.  Grouping system of government:

Presidential system of governmenta system of government in which the head of government held by the president

Understanding Government...??

PKN is one of the lessons I learned in SMKN 1 Pinrang ... on Wednesday, on 10/10/2012Government System in Various Countries

Understanding Government

In a broad sense
Governance is the act of governing is done by the legislature, executive and judiciary in a country in order to achieve the objectives of the state.

In a narrow sense
Governance is the act of governing is done by the executive branch and its staff in

Sabtu, 06 Oktober 2012


This is one of the Islamic religious lessons that I learned in school smkn1 Pinrang, I apologize in advance if there are words that are wrong in this writing

1. Culture of Democracy, is a mindset, an attitude patterns, and pattern of the citizens in line with the values ​​of liberty, equality and brotherhood between people who cored cooperation, mutual trust, respect for diversity, tolerance, kesamaderajatan, and compromise.

2. International Commission of Jurists (ICJ), democracy is

Islamic religious'??

This is one of the Islamic religious lessons that I learned in school smkn1 Pinrang, I apologize in advance if there are words that are wrong in this writing
Bathing Procedures in the body of Islamic religious

Kamis, 04 Oktober 2012

characteristics of civil society.'

This is one of the materials that I can learn a PKN in smk 1 Pinrang
Characteristics of Civil Society

The characteristics of civil society based on the above definition are:

a. Uphold the values, norms, and laws are sustained by faith and technology.
b. Having a high civilization (civilized).
c. Promoting equality and transparency (openness).
d. Free public sphere (public space that is free)
Public spaces are defined as areas where people as citizens have full access

Civil Society??

Definition of Civil Society
This is one of the materials that I can learn a PKN in smk 1 Pinrang

Civil society is translated into the Indonesian language as the "Masyarakat sipil or Masyarakat Madani. The word comes from the society of Medina, a city where the Prophet Muhammad migrated. Medina comes from the word "Madaniyah" meaning of civilization. Therefore, civil society means

Selasa, 02 Oktober 2012

About the Constitution Pancasila'

       Preamble of the 1945 Constitution which consists of emapt a very important part of it is the part / at paragraph 4, which reads as follows: "And in order to form a government of Indonesia which protect all the people of Indonesia and the entire country of Indonesia and to promote the general welfare, intellectual life of the nation, and participate in the establishment of a world order

understanding Pancasila

understanding Pancasila

Understanding Five Principles - In the word connotes Pancasila, the five which means five "five" and precepts which means "the base". Thus pancasila here means five dasar.Tetapi sense Pancasila Pancasila by history itself.

If we want to actually carry out the Act of 1945